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Ready to take on your day the best way? Start with gratitude.

September 23, 2017 1 min read

It's so easy to focus all of our attention on the problems in life and not the possibilities. Hiccups and blunders, trials and hardship can often consume our mind and cause stress and anxiety, fear and negativity to drive us through life. While all of our emotions valid and have their place, I like to think of feelings and emotions as visitors, just passing through. Focusing too much on the negative can be contagious and addictive, we become what we expose ourselves to. If you find yourself in a downward spiral of thoughts throughout your day I challenge you this week to simply begin each day by listing 3 things you are grateful for. As soon as you open your eyes in the morning, take a few moments to just think about what makes you happy. It can even be the simplest things, like your freshly brewed cup of coffee or favorite mug of tea, running water, that your car can take you to and fro throughout the day, maybe it's your job or a loved one who has really been a faithful friend. Once you start doing this more and more, you're list might start growing and you may start to feel like your eyes are being opened to tons of positive possibilities and things to be thankful for. But for now, just start noticing how it changes your mood, stress levels and priorities when you recognize and give thanks for the little (or big) gifts in life that bring you hope and joy!